Last week!

I can’t believe this will be the last week of the program. I have learned so much from my mentor Jesus and have gained a newfound respect for scientists and science in general. Coming from more of a math background, I have seen that there is lot of research and work that goes into getting materials ready for commercial use, and I have seen it firsthand in this program. I have deep respect for all the team members I have spent time with in the lab.

I am still awaiting results from my most recent experiment with BNNTs and the different concentrations of magnetic precursor on last week. We have been exploring different methods, so hopefully we have found one that works (fingers crossed!)

Again, I have truly enjoyed my time here at Rice. I am so fortunate to have developed new relationships with some great people. I look forward to using this experience to assist me or possibly even assist my work colleagues develop great activities for students this coming school year.

3 thoughts on “Last week!”

  1. Maurice I am so glad you enjoyed your experience and got to dip your toe into science! It is an awesome subject and depending on what you do a lot of math involved! I wish you all the best and can’t wait to see your research poster!

  2. Maurice, I happy it has been quite the ride. Something you can definitely share with your students. As we say in our science classes, “math is the way we communicate science”. Looking forward to see you and everybody else’s research!

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